We're exactly 2 weeks away from NFL Kickoff weekend, which means we have 2 more weeks of preseason to go through. Now I know it's been debated every year, but this is the first year I have this platform to express my opinion on so here it goes.

For 2 weeks, it's purposeful, the other 2 weeks are pointless (title. opinion. clever huh?). Now when that Hall of Fame game came on, every football fan around the country was ecstatic simply because we had our football back. Regardless of the teams, the location, or the meaningfulness of the game; we were watching because since February it was the first thing available to satisfy our fix.

Most of us sat and watched week 2 of preseason as well. Some for the same reasons as week 1, but also because now it's time to start evaluating our team on the field and set realistic expectations for the season.

However tonight was the beginning of preseason week 3 and as much as I love any type of football, I'm exhausted of the meaningless football. I'm ready for the stats to start sticking. I'm ready for the records to be worth something, and quite honestly, I'm ready for fantasy season. These next 2 weeks of preseason are pointless to me in many different ways.

Let us first begin with injuries. While some have the belief that if you're going to get hurt, it's just going to happen, I'm under the impression that more can be done to prevent it. We're still 2 weeks away from the season and the record for number of ACL's torn during training camp and games have already been shattered, let alone the number of other season ending injuries that have occurred. I fully understand that injures are part of the game, but why must players be subjected to more high risk, low reward situations if there really is no reward to preseason?

But who am I? I'm just a guy aspiring to be a journalist and broadcaster. I don't know that the coaches and players need to last 2 weeks to fight for and evaluate their jobs. Some players and coaches would say these last 2 weeks are the most important 2 weeks. My rebuttal would then be, what have you really been doing since camp opened up in mid-late July? By now you should know if a player has it or doesn't have what it takes to make your team.

In my proposal for the new schedule, I'm removing these last 2 weeks of preseason, beginning the regular season next weekend (the last week of August and same weekend that college football kicks off), and opening training camps the week of July 15th. Teams may even add up to as many as 3 scrimmages to their schedule if they so choose.

This still provides 2 games to knock off the rust, a month of training camp to practice and really get into the flow of schemes, and less pointless injury opportunities.

I understand its not that simple, but that's why I love this blog, who said anything had to be simple?

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