When are the 2 times we play North Carolina?
When are the 2 times we play Maryland?
*looks at the rest of the schedule*

When my Duke Blue Devils basketball schedule comes out every season, that's exactly what I look for in that order, I always have, and I always will, that is until the fall of 2014.

With the University of Maryland leaving the ACC in 2014, for the Big Ten, those 2 great games a season between Duke/Maryland will be no more. If you aren't big into college sports, it's the equivalent of the Redskins/Cowboys not playing every year, or the Red Sox/Yankees not playing every year. It's a big deal

Maryland has been a part of the Atlantic Coast Conference since it was established in 1953, one of the original six teams still remaining in the conference.

I personally feel that tradition is the best part of college sports. I enjoy watching the close games in College Park that might decide a tournament bid, and as much as I can't stand Carolina blue, the best part of the regular season is watching Duke/North Carolina play for the ACC title in the last game of the season. Tradition is the biggest reason I like college basketball over the NBA, at least I think I still do.

Since 2010, over 50 conference changes have taken place or been announced for the future. By time 2014 rolls around half of the conference names in Division I sports will be inaccurate

Big Ten-will have 14 teams
Big 12-will only have 10 teams
Pac12-was PAC 10 before realignment
Big East- will drop from 18 to 14 and have a team from Idaho

The Maryland switch affects me the most as a Duke fan which is why I chose to single it out.

February 16th will be the 2nd to last time Duke/Maryland play in the Comcast Center as conference opponents. In November, tickets for this game were still on the market. 2 weeks ago, there were less than 20 seats left for $300/seat. College basketball tickets NEVER sell out that far in advance, except for when its the end of a tradition I guess.

We all know the University of Maryland made the move based on money, no matter what excuse they say in public, but 5-10 years down the road I hope the school President and Board of Trustees realize that tradition is priceless.

While doing my research for this article I found that Duke Men's Basketball coach Mike Kryzewski recently went on his on personal rant about this same topic. Coach K has been coaching at Duke since 1980 and has 942 career wins, so it's fair to say he knows a little something about tradition. The link to his article is posted below.


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