I've thought about this question for awhile but I really got influenced to write about it from a good friend.


When I write or share an opinion I love to hear others play devil's advocate against me, mostly because I love to do the same myself. So feel free to comment below and tell me why you think college sports are not better than professional sports.

I'm a Duke fan and a Washington Wizards fan. If you were to offer me season tickets for both team but I could only pick one, its Duke without hesitation and it has nothing to do with which team wins more.

When Duke got destroyed at Miami earlier this season their starters NEVER gave up or asked to sit on the bench to "save gas for the next game". Even when they were down by 40 points, the starters and everyone else on that Duke team continued to fight to lessen the deficit.

If this were the Miami Heat losing by 40 with 10 minutes left in the game, rest assured Lebron, Wade, and Bosh would have on sweats and already have the ice on their knees to prepare for the next game. I mean, it's just 1/82 games, it's a long season. At least that's what that would say. At the end of the day, they still earned a game check.

College kids play their sport, whether its basketball, football, baseball, or whatever else, because they love and have a passion for the game. Don't get me wrong, keeping the full ride scholarship drags some influence into the equation but its not the majority. Playing in front of their peers, classmates, and passionate fans is what drives them

Once you make to the professional level of your sport, where does the motivation come from? You've made it to the highest level possible. There's nowhere else to go except another team at the same level. When professional athletes talk about how much they love their fans, I completely believe them, but not for the reasons they tend to portray. Without us, they truly are nothing. We don't watch, we don't buy their apparel, we don't buy their shoes, and guess who isn't making any money. At the end of the day, once you ignore all the ins and outs, we sign a good size of professional athletes paychecks. They might still have love for the game, but the passion aspect has truly diminished. They're playing to chase records, fame, and money. If this isn't the case, explain to me why Lebron took his talents to South Beach.

While I understand everything I have said about professional athletes doesn't apply to all off them, and vice versa for student athletes, I do believe my opinion applies to the majority

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