This is a topic I've debated with myself for months on whether I want to write about it, and now that I've decided to, I'm wondering why it was even a debate. This happens to be a blog where I express MY opinions and hope to hear YOUR feedback, so here we go.

Last week the first male professional athlete announced that he is gay. Now, as expected, the reaction from other professional athletes ranged from extremely supportive to completely against. But here is where things get interesting, if you are supportive of this issue, you can be as vocal as you'd like and no issues would arise. However, if you are against same sex relationships and you make that known in any shape form, or fashion, you're automatically homophobic and insensitive.

My parents, both respectfully against same sex relationships, and I, in support of same sex relationships, have debated numerous times on why or why not we have our views and beliefs. To this day we still don't agree on the issue, however my parents do recognize that this is truly a different day in age. My generation is considered to be the most accepting of change in history, and my parents have 4 kids who all have friends that are part of the LGBT

The biggest reason my parents are against this topic at hand is because of religious beliefs. How do we know that when celebrities speak out against same sex relationships religion isn't a driving factor......we don't. We don't and this rate we never will because as a society, everyone is quick to ridicule them with calling them a homophobic or insensitive. In actuality, it's just an exercise of freedom of speech. The same freedom exercised when the person chooses to announce their sexual preference and the same right exercised when anyone expresses their support for the person or matter.

My main point in this article is to remind everyone that the right to have an opinion is something that will always exist. Their opinion does not, and will not, fall in line with your opinion, but their choice to express their opinion is the same as you choosing to express your opinion.

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