You'd think if you own a professional team sports and you had the money to spend on athletes, you could spend as money as you want or need to. That happens not to be the case for most professional sports, including the NFL.

In 1994, the National Football League adopted the salary cap. In sports, a salary cap is an agreement or rule that places a limit on the amount that a team can spend on player salaries. The supposed benefits of having a salary cap is so that owners who have an economic advantage over other owners can't translate that advantage to the field.

For example, the New York Yankees in Major League Baseball. The MLB does not use a salary cap and therefore wealthier owners can take advantage of having more money to spend on higher profiled players.

Who's to say how much an owner can spend on their team, when they OWN the team, if they legally have the money and there aren't any rules or sanctions in place to prevent a team from spending an excessive amount of money on a particular player, why not?

The Yankees are also another example that just because you have all the star players, doesn't guarantee you championships. They haven't won a world championship since 2009, and the last one before that was in 2000. Players still have to be healthy in order to play, and let's be honest, injuries happen in sports. Not only that, the players still have to perform at a high level on the field.

If you haven't caught my drift by now, I think the salary cap should be abolished in all sports. My stance on this is like that J.G. Wentworth commerical, it's their money, let them spend it now.

In most of my articles, I have my opinion is slightly biased. Nothing has changed this time. My Super Bowl Champion Baltimore Ravens are in the middle of a complete overhaul of their roster because salary cap restrictions. We have lost 5 Super Bowl starters through free agency due to our tight salary cap, and quite honestly, we could lose a 6th player by time I finish typing this article.

This is once again an example of sports being dictated by money, something I'm clearly against if you've read any of my past articles, and something I will continue to express my distaste for.

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