As I start this post, I have exactly 20 minutes until the Conference Finals get under way and I'm afraid to even pick anything anymore since both of my finals predictions were eliminated in the last round, but without further ado......

(1) Miami Heat vs (3) Indiana Pacers
We all expected Miami to be here, however I expected them to be knocked out in this round by the Knicks. Well, the Pacers crushed those hopes and dreams for me. The Heat looked like an unstoppable train against Chicago after giving up game 1 on their home court and while Indiana looked impressive while eliminating the New York Knicks, they're too young and not experienced enough to handle the pressure on this stage. I expect Lebron to prove to us all why he's the MVP again and Birdman should get some extended minutes throughout this series to help defend against Roy Hibbert. We'll have a repeat Eastern Conference Champions this year. Miami in 6.

(2) San Antonio Spurs vs (5) Memphis Grizzles
I don't think anyone had Memphis here over OKC when the playoffs started in April, however, injuries happen in sports and the Thunder didn't have their star PG against Memphis and the Grizzles did what they were supposed to do and handled their business, so respect is given where it's due.
ALOT of people picked and expected Steph Curry and the Warriors to knock off the older Spurs team, I wasn't one of them. While I did expect OKC to be the Spurs in this round, that scenario doesn't exist and you won't catch me going against Pop against Memphis. I expect and epic NBA Finals series this year. San Antonio in 6.

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