I last posted an article the day before game 7 of the NBA Finals. Needless to say, slacking isn't even the right word to describe how I've kept up, but never fear, this post is here. Alot has happened in the past month in sports and I'm about to touch on about as much of it as I can from game 7, to NBA free agency, to the start of NFL training camps, and how could I forget about Johnny Football.

Starting off with game 7, there isn't too much to say. While I never picked Miami to win the series, I'm happy for them winning. They completed what they sat out to do and left the critics absolutely nothing else to complain about. They simply handled business, pretty or ugly.

About a week after game 7 was the draft and while I, like many others yelled "WOW" when Anthony Bennett's name was called first, he is a good player and deserving of the honor. I personally still would've picked Victor Olandipo or Ben McLemore first and I think many teams will regret letting McLemore drop as far as he did. Speaking of dropping in the draft, allow me to say I was so very very happy that Alex Len and Nerlens Noel dropped to the 5th and 6th picks respectively. Many of you know by now, I did not feel they were NBA ready and there was no way I'm using a top pick on someone who hasn't played a second since tearing his ACL. It was good to see that some of the guys who scout for a living shared my opinion.

To finish my roundup on the NBA, there's nothing better to talk about than free agency. You know I got an opinion on Dwight but I'll come back to it. I wanna talk about next offseason for a sec. Melo, Wade, Lebron, and Bosh will be free agents and the rumor is that Lakers will be throwing everything on the table to get Lebron and Melo. Let me be very clear with this, KOBE WILL HAVE NONE OF IT. Kobe is 34, coming off of a torn achilles, with 2 years left on his contract to match Jordan and get a 6th ring. You think he's going to tolerate sharing the ball with Lebron and/or Melo in the final year of his contract and possibly career for that ring? PLEASE!!!! If Miami 3-peats, which I don't think they will but that's another topic for another day, Wade will retire. In turn, Lebron will return to Cleveland, yes I said it, Cleveland. Melo will go anywhere he can for the quickest ring, as he should. Let's not sugar coat it, he's going into his 11th season with no rings and no MVP awards. What would we do to Lebron if that were him right now. Of course these are nothing more than opinions and predictions but you're reading it because you feel it has some type of validity right?

Now back to Dwight Howard. I felt for the majority of the time he would remain a Laker. I just had this sense that he would want Kobe as a mentor to learn how to become a champion and become another legendary Lakers big man. When D12 did make it official that he was going to Houston after that 5 hour media fiasco on July 5th, I had lost respect for him. This changed after watching his interview with Stephen A. Smith on his decision and reasoning. I do understand the move and his mentality now. However, I have a huge problem with him saying rings don't define him as a champion, is there another way to be called a champion in the NBA, I'll wait.

FINALLY, it's that time of year again. It's football season. I'm writing this on the last Sunday without football until the second Sunday in February. It's kinda funny how we look down on preseason football but towards the end of the long offseason we can't wait for it. Training camp only started 4 days ago and 3 players have already suffered season-ending injuries. 2 ACL's and a broken hip. Hopefully this isn't a sign for the rest of camp and season. With the Hall of Fame inductions next Saturday and the Hall of Fame game next Sunday, it's finally time to ask, are you ready for some football?

It's been awhile since I got really serious in a post but I wanna address the whole Aaron Hernandez case briefly. While we all know all the evidence is leading to his guilt, and it's seeming virtually inevitable that he's about to see more murder charges come his way, I can't help but to ask why. Most of the professional athletes live what seems to be a very enjoyable life. From the money, to the cars, and homes, and girls. So why do they throw it away so quickly? My only answer is that maybe behind the scenes, being a professional athlete isn't all that it seems.

I saved this topic for last because I feel I relate to it the most. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Heisman winning quarterback, I'm no topic on sports shows every morning, but I am a 20 year old college kid who wants to enjoy life while I can. Johnny Manziel has taken endless criticism over the past couple months for his partying ways and such activities. I, as Johnny Football, don't believe in self-incrimination, so if I did sleep in at the Manning Passing Academy because I was hungover, what right of yours is it to know. Michael Smith from ESPN share the same opinion that he stated on the His and Hers podcast (DOWNLOAD IT) on this situation. While I am still 20 for a couple more months, I look up to Manziel in a sense, he's living the life that is supposed to be lived at this age. If this was a 20 year old starting quarterback from the University of Arizona, no one would care. But no, this is Johnny Manziel, first freshman to ever win the Heisman, starting quarterback at Texas A&M. Before you continue to crucify this kid just remember he didn't ask for this pedestal, the media gave it to him by awarding a 20 year old freshman the most prestigious award in college football. Let the kid live.

I'm sure I missed a topic or 2 and if I think of it and have something significant to write about it, you'll see it, but rest assured you won't see another month-plus drought from me.

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